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Writer's pictureJonesy

Today I have had my head down doing massive amounts of prep and tech for my new show. At midnight I finally call it quits for the night, only to discover that the Supreme Court has managed to be horrible once again and failed to prevent the state of Missouri from murdering an innocent man.

Since I started working on this show five years ago, this country has continued to fail its populace. From putting the needs of Capitalism ahead of preventing a now continuous still-deadly pandemic to supplying staggering numbers of weapons to support an ongoing genocide, from scrapping basic human rights to uplifting the rhetoric of far-right fascist extremists, it's demoralizing and rage-inducing to live in the US right now.

Our actions and inactions as a nation are actively making the world a hideous place to be. We are not good stewards of our planet or our fellow human beings. And if I weren't an artist and a puppeteer who needs his hands to not be broken bags of mush and bone, I'd be hard pressed not to punch every wall I walk past.

But tomorrow I load in to my venue, and Thursday I do a preview, and Friday I open this show I have been obsessed with for half a decade. A show where I strive to make a connection with an audience in a way I've never allowed myself to make before. A show where my goal is not to get laughs, but to tell a story that hopefully means something to somebody in the moment.

I just turned 50. I have crippling anxiety and terrible stamina. I'm not one built for the front lines of the revolution anymore. Best I can hope to do is add a bit of hope to the world that desperately needs it. And speak up when the injustice floods in.

Abolish the death penalty. Free Gaza. No more genocide. Defund the police. Bring back Roe. Trans rights. Migrant rights. Black rights. Human rights. Just… just be good to each other. And wear a mask.

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